"Thank you" is one of those wonderful phrases people use to express a special gratitude. But there's often a lot more to it than those two words can say.
When it comes from the heart, from deep inside, the nicest feelings and the most special thoughts, "Thank you" means so much. It means thank you for taking the time to show that you care. It means "you really made my day," and sometimes it means that you really make all the days so much better. It means you make me feel so nice, and I wish I could do the same for you... just by letting you know how much you mean to me.
"Thank you" means you didn't have to... but I'm so grateful that you did."Thank you" means that you've done something special that I'll never forget.
When it comes from the heart, from deep inside, the nicest feelings and the most special thoughts, "Thank you" means so much. It means thank you for taking the time to show that you care. It means "you really made my day," and sometimes it means that you really make all the days so much better. It means you make me feel so nice, and I wish I could do the same for you... just by letting you know how much you mean to me.
"Thank you" means you didn't have to... but I'm so grateful that you did."Thank you" means that you've done something special that I'll never forget.
Estava à procura de "qualquer coisa" nos meus files e encontrei isto. É bonito.. Não há nenhum motivo para o ter colocado aqui.. pelo menos algo de que esteja consciente.
Estou cansado..
Bom dia, mano!
Gostei do novo visual do blog :) Mais atractivo, eu acho.
"Obrigado" significa mais do que estar grato por alguma coisa. Tal como o teu texto diz, quando é verdadeiro, quando vem do coração é um sentimento genuíno, quase inexprimível. Um reconhecimento afável. Um carinho tremendo.
Quantas vezes dispensamos um "obrigado" no nosso dia-a-dia? Certamente que essa palavra mágica tanto tem de educação como de afecto para com as outras pessoas. Acho que não se deve descurar...
Beijinho *
Dra. Laura Alho, at 07 abril, 2005 12:53
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